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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sharpening a Graf Skate

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I said no more than 5 minutes a pair. Many times it takes probably 2-3. In fact, I just did five pairs of skates on Tuesday and it took me 15 minutes. That was with 3 different radii (3/8, 1/2 & 5/8).

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I said no more than 5 minutes a pair. Many times it takes probably 2-3. In fact, I just did five pairs of skates on Tuesday and it took me 15 minutes. That was with 3 different radii (3/8, 1/2 & 5/8).

I am not arguing with you i know from using that holder your using to a regular Blackstone/Blademaster to the Trilite and BM one it is way faster less adjustment with a more accurate level.

I think the reson for it is that it is more secure where the skate is being held and there is no chance it can slip on either side like a conventional holder.

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Firstly try taking the spring off the holder for good, skates now are not heavy enough to put that spring to good use anyways, it only adds the negative weight.... also done listen to these people about getting with the times and go and purchase a new high tech holder, the one you have now is just fine... however you should consider looking into purchasing a blade square made by maximum edge, check out their web sight.... they are about $170 but it is money well spent. i swear by it! good luck

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Now what is the the point of this post?

I can use an older holder - hell, my favorite is the small Blademaster holder with the dials...but why would I want to use that when I can use something that will cut my sharpening time in half?

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