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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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supreme 8000 skates vs new NBH Supremes

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Hello all,

I've got a pair of nike/bauer supreme 60 on hold and can't decide if I should get them now. I've found Supreme 8000 skates for $325 CDN , but I've heard that there are issues with the LS holders and perf steel on them. The 60's have the LS2 holder and solid blade, but they don't seem as tough? Can anyone give me some insight into the holder issue and general opinion on the 8000 vs, the new NBH skates?

Thanks for your help

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id say go the for 8000 there a much better boot and for that price i wouldnt worry about the lightspeeds cause the main issue was with the blades and the blades come with a 1 yr warranty so if they do break just have them replaced under warranty

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Besides the fit (which i cant comment) id go with the 8000. It was the top of the line supreme skate before the 8090 came out.

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The 8000 is a solid boot. it is the last top-o-the -line skate that had the "classic" style construction. They are absolute tanks and if the perf steel bothers you, just swap it out for the solids. I think that Joe Sakic still wears them also

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weird. all the 8000s i've seen at my LHS all came with solid steel.

I have 8000s with solid steel and LS1 holders with the stupid little notches in the plastic that make it hard to use a stone.

I wouldn't let the holders dictate which you pick though. Holder swaps seem relatively common...at least around here. Go by which skate fits you best, and worry about holder problems as they arise.

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