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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Week 5 Predictions

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Buffalo at Chicago: Chicago

Cleveland at Carolina: Carolina

Detroit at Minnesota: Minnesota

Miami at New England: New England

St Louis at Green Bay: St. Louis

Tampa Bay at New Orleans: New Orleans

Tennessee at Indianapolis: Indy

Washington at NY Giants: NYG

Kansas City at Arizona: Arizona

NY Jets at Jacksonville: NYJ

Oakland at San Francisco: Oakland (they've gotta win sometime, right?)

Dallas at Philadelphia (aka the one where the actual football barely matters): Philadelphia

Pittsburgh at San Diego: Pittsburgh

Baltimore at Denver: Baltimore

Not too many tough picks yet this whole season. Pittsburgh and SD could be a very good game.

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Buffalo at Chicago: Chicago

Cleveland at Carolina: Carolina

Detroit at Minnesota: Detroit

Miami at New England: New England

St Louis at Green Bay: St. Louis

Tampa Bay at New Orleans: New Orleans

Tennessee at Indianapolis: Indy

Washington at NY Giants: NYG

Kansas City at Arizona: KC

NY Jets at Jacksonville: NYJ

Oakland at San Francisco: San Fran

Dallas at Philadelphia: Philadelphia

Pittsburgh at San Diego: San Diego

Baltimore at Denver: Denver

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Buffalo at Chicago: Chicago

Cleveland at Carolina: Carolina

Detroit at Minnesota: Minnesota

Miami at New England: New England

St Louis at Green Bay: Green Bay

Tampa Bay at New Orleans: New Orleans

Tennessee at Indianapolis: Tennessee

Washington at NY Giants: Washington

Kansas City at Arizona: KC

NY Jets at Jacksonville: NYJ

Oakland at San Francisco: San Fran

Dallas at Philadelphia: Dallas

Pittsburgh at San Diego: Pittsburgh

Baltimore at Denver: Denver

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Buffalo at Chicago: Chicago

Cleveland at Carolina: Carolina

Detroit at Minnesota: Minnesota

Miami at New England: New England

St Louis at Green Bay: St. Louis

Tampa Bay at New Orleans: New Orleans

Tennessee at Indianapolis: Indy

Washington at NY Giants: NYG

Kansas City at Arizona: Arizona

NY Jets at Jacksonville: jets

Oakland at San Francisco: sanfran

Dallas at Philadelphia: dallas

Pittsburgh at San Diego: Pittsburgh

Baltimore at Denver: Baltimore

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Willy: you almost made us all look like fools, so definitely don't keep it to yourself. But you've got to agree, that seemed like a no-brainer before the game was played.

Anyways, Results:

Buffalo at Chicago: Chicago

Cleveland at Carolina: Carolina

Detroit at Minnesota: Minnesota

Miami at New England: New England

St Louis at Green Bay: St. Louis

Tampa Bay at New Orleans: New Orleans

Tennessee at Indianapolis: Indy

Washington at NY Giants: NYG

Kansas City at Arizona: Kansas City

NY Jets at Jacksonville: Jacksonville

Oakland at San Francisco: San Fran (apparently OAK doesn't need to win sometime)

Dallas at Philadelphia: Philadelphia

Pittsburgh at San Diego: Pittsburgh

Baltimore at Denver: Denver

Have to say I'm most shocked by Denver. Not that they won, but they won with a better defense then the Ravens.

This week: 10-4

Season: 56-18

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