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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM lemieux

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Does anyone have a pic of the curve? RH? Or can someone flip this one for me? Its under the pic of the 10.0. "Curves,Flexes Chart"

Also, is it indeed a sakic clone?

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it's a reallly mild nothing curve. think foresberg/modano. my friend got a ton of them on hockeygiant for 2.99/ea

I think he's talking about the new CCM Lemieux curve, not the Nike one. Would be a bit surprised to see CCM Lemieux blades going for $3 right now.

When I picked up a 10.0 Lemieux briefly, it reminded me of a Sakic.

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I played with one last year on my first V10.0, then I ordered other V10.0s but with the Lecavalier curve(I prefer bigger heel patterns). I would say the lemieux pattern is a bit like the Sakic, but it plays more like a heel curve than the Sakic.

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Last night I compared a Nike Apollo with the PM66 Lemieux pattern to a CCM Vector XL with the Lemieux pattern. The CCM pattern seemed like the Nike one but curved more at the toe. It seemed like a Drury curve with an extra bend in the mid/toe region.

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Just got mine today. I compared it to my SK-11 v130 and the lie/rocker is right on, but its much less of a banana. It has less of a rocker than the sakic

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