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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SL Shaft

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I got a broken SL from a friend of mine, and planned on making it into a tapered shaft. I've never had any experience with the procedure, and read on here that in most cases you can simply just heat the shaft up and pull the blade. Wasn't the case in my scenario! i tried and tried, with both a heat gun and stove top, to no avail. So I finally chopped the blade off at the fuse point, and tried to hammer the thing out with a steel rod from the opposite end of the shaft...no luck. In the end I grabbed a chisel and hammer, and went to town, just chiseling all the graphite out from the hosel of the blade. All in all, took me a solid 3 hours up to this point, and I went to put the tapered blade in, just to have it go in half way and hit something in the shaft. I finally gave up for today on making the damn thing work. Anyways, does anyone have any easier methods for future reference? And am I the only one to go through this torturous process?

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No it was a bitch when I did it aswell I did it with a mate and cut just before the E and then chissled out the excess it took us a really long time to do all of that an we pulled it all out with needle nosed pliers.

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I've got a little experience with this: you have to get a grit blade and shave in at least 2 or 3 mm on each wall of the shaft. Heat about 3 inches down along the shaft with a heat gun, then insert a knife into the cracks between the fuse point and the actual shaft walls. Get a bit of wiggle on each one, pull or push from the other end. Best bet is push. After this, if there is excess material, use a file or knife and shave it out.

Done... 3 sticks like this now.

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you know what has always worked for me?.....cut at the fuse point.....and use those wine bottle openers that you screw in and then you use these arms on the side for leverage that pull it out of the shaft....those work like a charm with zero damage to the shaft caused by errant chiseling etc.

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Alright, I cut the shaft off at the fuse point (right where you can see that faint scratch line that encircles the shaft) and hammered out the hosel of the old fused blade. The blade won't fit in it still. Is it safe to cut the shaft off right where the hosel would have stopped, and still have the tapered blade fit in snug without rolls of tape around it? If so, I'm definitely trying it out. Any input before I potentially waste a shaft?

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