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inline pants

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hi am lookin for a pair of inline pants the problem is am a big guy 265lbs and i have really big legs.i cant seem to find xxl inline pants anywhere.i looked at mission, black biscut and etc but only see up to xl.i was wondering if anybody new where i could find xxl pants online or if anybody new who made the biggest xl pants.thanks

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I might have some for you back at home. Im not for sure right now if theyre an XXL or XL but I know theyre one of the two. Un-used Mission D2. Pretty sure its the 2004 model of D2's as well. I'll get back to ya when Im back home and can find out the size for sure.

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I started at 265 now 235 and Mission 7500 pants XL as Justin said are plenty big, so big in fact I can no longer wear the XL and stick to my L 7500

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I'm around the same size as you, with tree trunk thighs and use mission XLs.

I've got Type Ms, Injections, D-1s and D-2s. all of them fit well, with plenty of room to breathe. Last I checked, hockeymonkey had some D-1s in their clearance area. Summitonline.com and 1800faceoff.com had injections cheap. I've seen Type Ms around somewhere too, but they're a bit heavy for my liking for indoor, if that's what you play.

Alltohrs, if he doesn't want the D-2s and they are in fact XL sized, I may be interested, as mine are torn to shreds from outdoor, but they're so light and comfy.

edit: see JR's post below.

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Our XL's are huge...I have yet to find anyone who doesn't fit in them....

Hearing that, do you want to try out mine? Im back home now and they are the XL. And I was correct on the other information, 2004 D2 red/black color scheme. The tags are still on it, never been worn. So lemme know if your interested. Ill sell it to you for $20.

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I'm around the same size as you, with tree trunk thighs and use mission XLs.

I've got Type Ms, Injections, D-1s and D-2s. all of them fit well, with plenty of room to breathe. Last I checked, hockeymonkey had some D-1s in their clearance area. Summitsports.com and 1800faceoff.com had injections cheap. I've seen Type Ms around somewhere too, but they're a bit heavy for my liking for indoor, if that's what you play.

Alltohrs, if he doesn't want the D-2s and they are in fact XL sized, I may be interested, as mine are torn to shreds from outdoor, but they're so light and comfy.

Summitsports.com does not exist.

It'll be either Summitonline.com or hockeydeals.com

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I'll second the missions XL's. I'm down to 235 pounds now and the Large 10000 pants fit me perfectly, with some room to spare.

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