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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Time to try something else.

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I want to start getting away from eastons, Im playing elite league right now before high school and I am breaking 2-3 sticks a month, and Im not on the ice as much as I would be for high school. I am using easton sl grips, and easton stealths. I liked the stealths last year, this year they are too bulky and I think they are actually less durable. I have been using the iginla curve for a couple of years. I really like it. I want to get the warrior mac daddy grip. I am thinking the robaltille curve (sp...sorry in a hurry) That seems to be the closest. I am also thinking about trying a new z bubble grip with an iginla blade in that. I also want to get a light tapered shaft with maybe a hull mission blade (closest curve I can find). Then I want to find some xn10's if possible. I found a couple but no retail curves are even close to iginla. What do you guys think I would be best off with. I found some pro stock ones but I dont know what the curve looks like and they dont tell me a description. What do you think, im just making sure on those curves, and wondering if anyone can help me out with some xn10s shafts and some one peice xn10's. Thanks.

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same boat as you, really like the iggy, the only curve you have is the Hull/leopold2 and recchi is pretty the same, a difference of .5 lie.

I had excellent result with a SL grip cut off and Z-carbon. Maybe you should try the z-carb with another shaft.

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Let me elaborate on my previous post...

I think it's pretty apparent that the st is the way to go. If you like what the company is offering but your problem is durability it only makes sense to go with something they designate to be a more durable or "super tough" option over the ones you keep breaking or something completely new.

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