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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whip flex shafts

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I'm looking for a new whip flex shaft and the only choices I have seen so far are the TPS Response Armor - whip flex and the Warrior Dolomite - 75 flex. Can anybody give me feedback on these shafts or any other shafts that would be comparable?

I really don't care if it is a tapered or regular shaft because I'm not good enough to notice the difference.

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Search on either and read what people have said about them. MSH also has an extensive review forum.

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i had an intermediate dolomite 70 flex and it felt more like an 85. the tps whips i have used were about a 65-70.

dietz, it felt that stiff?Thats no good :ph34r:

did you cut it at all?

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