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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slideboard - any suggestions?

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I am thinking about getting a slideboard for my kids (10 and 14 years old)

some questions:

1. is it really good thing for them, or running and plyometrics is enaugh?

2. Should I buy one or make one?

3. Is there a big difference between roll up and stationary?

4. Any sugestion on what company the best?

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You are probably better off making your own. My trainer made one out of 2x6 wooden planks. He used 2X4s underneath the 2X6s to hold them together and he put 4X4s at the ends of the slideboard to push off of. He put several coats of polyurethane and did some light sanding between coats to make sure it was smooth. Just be creative, I'm sure you could make something just as good, if not better than the store bought ones. Just check out your local home depot and see what kind of materials they have.

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According to what I saw on website - $730. Plus if you what to practice for crossovers - $125 for attachment (that one looks very strange - it is just a piece of metal, no moving parts, nothing)

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it's an old topic - curious if there's been any additional info/opinions or products over the past 2 years?

basically the same question:

buy (something like powerslide - powerskater is awefully expensive $850 & bulky so I can't seriouslt consider it) vs build?

what materials are currently used for building slideboards - I heard people use laminated counter tops etc - is it better then what's used in products like powerslide (I assume it's some kind of HDPE or polyurethane)?


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I think everyone's better off with plyo's than a slideboard. We were forced to use them in college and I've never been involved in a more useless exercise in my life. If you're looking for something to build up skating muscles I'd go for a russian box.

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