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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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v for vendetta

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i absolutley loved this movie. Also i dont know what that girl in the movie's name is but damn she looks good even with a shaved head.

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i absolutley loved this movie. Also i dont know what that girl in the movie's name is but damn she looks good even with a shaved head.

Natalie Portman, the same chick that played Princess Amadallah (sp?) in Star Wars Episode 1-3. V is one of my all time favorite movies and I think that it was fairly well adapted from the graphic novel. I always respected Moore for not removing the mask of V.

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ah that's it, did you happen to watch there little thing afterwards where they explain why they didn't??? There's a whole bunch of really cool stuff that they talk about which actually made me like the movie more since it helped me understand it better.

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Very good movie, if for nothing else then it didn't spit in the face of the Moores work. The graphic novel was far better though. But I loved the line in the beginning with V talking to Evey and saying "I'm merely pointing out the irony of asking 'Who are you' to a man wearing a mask".

Now, if only they could get Watchmen made...

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