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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help on Pricing/Selling Pads

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The local Eagle rep wants me to sell some pads for him, since he's a little busy on the road right now. They are Eagle Intermediate 30-32 inch Custom Fusion pads with an adjustable knee cradle if someone grows.

Anyways, the pads are a demo pad that he takes to tournaments and lets kids try out, and they have been used seriously about 10 times. I've got pictures, too:








I posted earlier in the sell section looking for $600 shipped to the U.S., or $615 to Canada, and a bit more for Australia, Europe, etc, but no replies.

I need a little help pricing these things; I personally think $600 is a bit much, but the rep told me that much, but I could go down if necessary.

What's a good price to start these at? I think I'll go eBay, so if you knowledgable goalies could tell me a reasonable price to put these up at, it would be greatly appreciated.

thanks all,


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I'd say no more than $500 no less than $400. Brand New Eagle intermediate pads retail for about $430. They are custom made so you dont wanna sell them for less than $400, however they are used, and intermediate, so I would definatly say no more than $500.

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Hey that sounds very reasonable. Thanks! U of M, you're very knowledgable in the goalie board, so I'll trust you on this one! If anyone agrees or disagrees with this, please reply! I would like multiple inputs on this.

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$400-500 yes, but still a hard sale at that price. If they are priced to high, goalies will resort to a company like Battram or Simmons and get a brand new pair. IMO, used pads lose approx 1/2 their value fast. Those pads look pretty worn, not beat up, but certainly very used.

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