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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Selling Tickets Online

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So I have season tickets to the sabres ( 3 seats) and we've decided to sell off a few games. (canadian teams mostly as they seem to have the highest demand). Has any body here listed tickets online before? I've listed a few on stub hub, but i'm wondering if i have any options online aside from stub hub or ebay. any thoughts guys?

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Can't say I ever sold on Stub-Hub, but I did make a purchase (when the Devils came to town on January 7th last season - game sold-out). Experience was pleasant enough.

I'm curious as to why you want to steer-clear from Stub-Hub? Christ, with the prices as high as they are on that site, you won't have to worry about not making your money back... :o

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eh im not really leaning away from it, just wondering if I had any other options, or what people who have delt with them before thought of the whole thing. addmitedly, the tickets I posted on there are priced a bit high, but I tried to stay around what the market for them was on there.

the seats are section 325, row 3, seats 3,4,5.

the games I listed so far are Saturday 11-4 toronto, Friday 11-24 montreal, and saturday 12-16 ottawa. I'd be open to selling more games if anyone is interested, but these are the only ones i've listed right now. I guess if any one is interested, shoot me a PM.

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