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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Snow

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Well first good snow fall of the year, all school within 2 hours of me closed, my school is not, havent had a snow day since the ice storm in 1998 and they closed the school i think for 2 days.

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I'm staying out of the courts if I can, but if they stick me they're going to get lots of wrath. Wasted tuition after getting poor exam grades, anguish from having to fix the car, mental anguish from driving my $40,000 car around with a tarp and rope, traveling cost to get appraisals, damage to seats from broken glass, cost of a rental in case it's not back to me in time, yada yada.

no offense - but if you are serious you should be ashamed of your self. People who file lawsuits like that make me sick. I'm all for you getting your car fixed but anything above and beyond that is BS. Shit happens deal with it.

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I'm not going to sue the pants off them, but it's a clear-cut case. I was in a parking spot, the plow hit my car and did upwards of $6000 in damage. If the city cuts me loose and doesn't want to try and cover any of it then they're going to be sorry.

If someone rams you at a stoplight and drives off, they get arrested and the hammer comes down. If they had stayed there, a failure to stop ticket and insurance costs.

Owning up to what is your fault means nice treatment. But in all honesty, if I have to go to court over $6000 because the city didn't want to admit they accidentally smashed my car then fuck them, I'm going to make them sorry they weren't nice about it.

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