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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dental Surgery

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Hey Guys,

I had some dental surgery about an hour or two ago. Finished up a little before one. Basically they cut the top of my mouth and place it onto my gum line. Not sure the official name of the procedure. They told me to use a tea bag to soak up the blood it if is bleeding. Well about 20 minutes after the surgery the stitches in the top of my mouth started to leak and it seems to be bleeding a fair bit. I am currently using the tea bag to soak it up. I can call to doctors, but it's a little early and I am basically just wondering if this is normal. If anyone has had a similar procedure please let me know whether this is usual or not.

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Hey Guys,

I had some dental surgery about an hour or two ago. Finished up a little before one. Basically they cut the top of my mouth and place it onto my gum line. Not sure the official name of the procedure. They told me to use a tea bag to soak up the blood it if is bleeding. Well about 20 minutes after the surgery the stitches in the top of my mouth started to leak and it seems to be bleeding a fair bit. I am currently using the tea bag to soak it up. I can call to doctors, but it's a little early and I am basically just wondering if this is normal. If anyone has had a similar procedure please let me know whether this is usual or not.


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How much is it bleeding? Have any of the stitches come out? I'm not familiar with that particular procedure, but if you're worried about it, call the surgeon's office, get a hold of his nurse, describe what's going on, and he/she will be able to take it from there.

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It's hard to tell if they've come out because they are inside my mouth. I can't see them, and I still feel the string. The tea bad seems to have helped, but I'll probably call in an hour to if it is still bleeding. It's not as bad as it was, so I feel a little better about it now.

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I don't know the name of it and may have the wrong procedure in mind, but is this where they snip that little slab of skin connecting gum-to-lip? If it is, I think this is "normal" because a friend had to have it done and it was bloody and painful as hell. Either way, calling in to the nurse/doctor is the way to be.

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It is not that procedure. They cut the skin from the top of my mouth, in behind the right molars. Then graphted it onto my lower "fang" teeth.

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That's a gingival graft. Gums are very vascular, so bleeding is to be expected after the procedure. How many bags have you had to use so far?

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Mack- you'll love this. The name of that little skin flap is the "labial frenulum." Ya gotta love anatomy terminology! I'd imagine the name of that precedure would then be something like "Labial Frenulectomy."

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I used two tea bags around when I posted and none since then.

The first was only in for a few minutes because I was getting gag reflexes. I popped the second one in about 20 minutes later and it felt better and soaked up ALOT of blood. It's just swore now, but the bleeding is really scarce which is nice. It just sucks I can't eat much :( I'm starving.

The bleeding was also on my upper gums, where the graft was taken, not where the grafting was placed.

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Mack- you'll love this. The name of that little skin flap is the "labial frenulum." Ya gotta love anatomy terminology! I'd imagine the name of that precedure would then be something like "Labial Frenulectomy."

You're damn right I love that. I've performed many a labial procedure and I don't even have Dr. as a first name. High-five.

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