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Roller is getting old.. Time for ice?

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Well ive been playing roller hockey for about 9 years, im 19. But lately roller hockey is boring the hell out of me. Don't know if its the complete lack of contact or constantly breaking wheels trying to hockey stop on asphalt. None of the guys I play roller with actually take it seriously, im a competitor always have been and I can't stand when people just float around or throw games just to get them over with.

Im thinking about moving to ice hockey. Ive skated twice in my life, before I got into roller hockey, so its been a while. My local rink is offering a skating class for Hockey. Class lasts about a month and is $55.

I really want to do it but I think it may be embarrassing being in a class with a bunch of kids.

I already purchased a pair of Bauer Vapor XIXs with the plan to convert them to inline but it seems like a good time to start up ice.

I think I could skate reasonably well, inline is obviously different then ice but they're close. And drop in hockey is a lot more convient for me then outdoor roller hockey which is ruined during the winter.

Should I suck it up and take the class?


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Go to srop in a few times. If you can't skate as well as you think you should be able to, try the class. If it's a "learn to skate" class, it will likely be a really basic , however, and your inline skating skills will surpass anything they're teaching.

I played roller for 10 years before playing ice, (outdoor roller, too) and transitioned fairly quickly. I've been playing ice for about 2 1/5 years now, and it's at the point where I'm playing in 2 leagues and a weekly skate with buddies- that's more than I play roller anymore. It's actually kind of shocking to me as I think of it now. Just last summer I was playing roller 4 or 5 times a week, and ice once.

It's really important to get the right sharpening, which means you'll probably have to experiment a bit. The right sharpening is like a fresh set of rink Ra wheels. NOTHING compares to it.

The things that will likely take the most adjustment: faster paced game (especially when compared to outdoor roller), stopping, dealing with a heavier puck, and learning to play with the glide of ice as opposed to playing with the friction of roller.

edit: if you feel your skating skills aren't up to par, a power skating class would do a lot more for you than a learn to skate class.

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suck it up ... I'd go ahead and take the class to improve. You may breeze thru, but at least its something that can keep you moving...

btw, is she cute?

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I would try indoor roller hockey if you can. I played outdoor hockey earlier this year along with indoor. I stopped out door becuase I found it boring, though now I am going back for the skill side of it. I would try indoor, I think that you would like it.

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Well ive been playing roller hockey for about 9 years, im 19.  But lately roller hockey is boring the hell out of me. Don't know if its the complete lack of contact or constantly breaking wheels trying to hockey stop on asphalt. None of the guys I play roller with actually take it seriously, im a competitor always have been and I can't stand when people just float around or throw games just to get them over with.

Im thinking about moving to ice hockey. Ive skated twice in my life, before I got into roller hockey, so its been a while. My local rink is offering a skating class for Hockey. Class lasts about a month and is $55.

I really want to do it but I think it may be embarrassing being in a class with a bunch of kids.

I already purchased a pair of Bauer Vapor XIXs with the plan to convert them to inline but it seems like a good time to start up ice.

I think I could skate reasonably well, inline is obviously different then ice but they're close. And drop in hockey is a lot more convient for me then outdoor roller hockey which is ruined during the winter.

Should I suck it up and take the class?


you should try it buddy, i'm in the exact same position as you are. i've been playing roller for 8 years, and i'm 20 and am also getting tired of replacing wheels, blades and torn up clothing for playing on asphalt and semi-smotth cement. some roller guys i play with are not too competetive either, and are kinda boring the hell outa me. Roach here on mhs knows what i'm talking about, so he got me into ice. people still look at me as just another body in there cause i still cant skate the way i can skate on roller, i give it a coupla months more and im sure i'll be better.

if your heart is stuck on roller, think about it this way, since ive played ice, my ive become faster in all aspects (the way i see it) so it'll only make you better, just be prepared for the worst.

by the way, if that girl coach were cute, taht should be motivation enough if you're single. if youre not then my apologies. :D


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I think ice takes a lot more discipline to play. More body contact, faster paced, and limited time you can actually play on the ice (inline you can play anywhere)...

I'd still say go for it... you've already gotten bored with inline, maybe this will revitalise your love for the game. In my opinion, most of the ice players I know are pretty darn fast compared to the inline players...

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I really want to do it but I think it may be embarrassing being in a class with a bunch of kids.

Are you sure your rink or one nearby doesn't have hockey classes specifically for adults ? Around here many rinks do, and on top of that there are many instructors running their own schools. I would check the phone book or check the bulletin boards at the rink and then call a few of them to find out. Now if you're looking to play hockey with full body checking, finding other adults to play with may be another thing entirely. I know guys who played as high as the NHL and even they don't want to be playing contact hockey when they have a full time job to go to on Monday morning.

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I really want to do it but I think it may be embarrassing being in a class with a bunch of kids.

Are you sure your rink or one nearby doesn't have hockey classes specifically for adults ? Around here many rinks do, and on top of that there are many instructors running their own schools. I would check the phone book or check the bulletin boards at the rink and then call a few of them to find out. Now if you're looking to play hockey with full body checking, finding other adults to play with may be another thing entirely. I know guys who played as high as the NHL and even they don't want to be playing contact hockey when they have a full time job to go to on Monday morning.

I say don't worry about who's in the class. The important thing is you enjoy it for yourself and no one else. I started roller about 4 or 5 years ago by taking a class just as you, but I had never skated in my life. At the time I was 33 and the average class age was about 20, and many of those 20 year olds were taking the class for a 2nd and 3rd time. I too considered bailing before the first class started, but decided to try at least the first class and never looked back. best decision I've ever made.

I say go for it!! :D

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If you are simply just bored with roller...maybe you are more bored with the setting, than the sport in general. You mentioned that you play on ashphalt...which probably means pick up in a parking lot, right? Are their competive leagues around you? As in...on an actual indoor rink? Maybe a higher level of competition is all you need? If you are bored with the level of play, switching to ice isn't gonig to solve that. Especially since you would probably be playing in a lower level (you mentioned the learn to skate class).

Just a thought...

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when i started hockey, i played it on shoes, then we moved to an outdoor facility. From the outdoor hockey, i went to play at a skating rink becuase outdoor roller sucked. from there i went to an indoor sports facility and played roller for a good 3 years, untill they sold the bulding and took hockey out of it.then i played house league ice for a year, but it was too easy, i scored nearly every game, so i stopped playing and went back to just roller at the local skating rink. Then, they opened a new roller facility, so i played roller there, then it closed, so i was screwed. My sophmore year of high school i joined the high school team and eventually joined a girls travel team, wich i still play on today.

i played roller from like 1996 -2005 and i loved it, but due to the circumstances, i had to switch to ice, or i wouldnt have any hockey at all. i honestly love roller more then ice, but ice is more competitive and it has more opportunites for most people.

i think you should just go to the skating class. everyone has to start somewhere, and if you learn to skate good from the class, then it was well worth your efforts! ice hockey is awsome once you get used to the 5 on 5, icing and offisides, i bet you will love it!

so i say go for it, who cares about their being kids in the class?

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Well ive been playing roller hockey for about 9 years, im 19. But lately roller hockey is boring the hell out of me. Don't know if its the complete lack of contact or constantly breaking wheels trying to hockey stop on asphalt. None of the guys I play roller with actually take it seriously, im a competitor always have been and I can't stand when people just float around or throw games just to get them over with.

Im thinking about moving to ice hockey. Ive skated twice in my life, before I got into roller hockey, so its been a while. My local rink is offering a skating class for Hockey. Class lasts about a month and is $55.

I really want to do it but I think it may be embarrassing being in a class with a bunch of kids.

I already purchased a pair of Bauer Vapor XIXs with the plan to convert them to inline but it seems like a good time to start up ice.

I think I could skate reasonably well, inline is obviously different then ice but they're close. And drop in hockey is a lot more convient for me then outdoor roller hockey which is ruined during the winter.

Should I suck it up and take the class?


hey man, we chat on another board too!!

I say take the class... I'm 28 years old, and I'm taking one. Everyone had to learn somehow... some just started earlier than others. My class has a few adults..

A class is going to teach you how to use your edges, and proper technique in doing so... something roller lacks. So I'm sure you'll benefit from that.

Suck it up, take the class... you're doing it for the love of the game, plain and simple. I'm sure a lot of guys here, experienced or not will agree with me.

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I would try indoor roller hockey if you can. I played outdoor hockey earlier this year along with indoor. I stopped out door becuase I found it boring, though now I am going back for the skill side of it. I would try indoor, I think that you would like it.

I wish I could, the closest sport court rink around me is 2 hours away. Theres one indoor rink that is just an ice rink without the ice(smooth concrete). I already play outdoor on a smooth concrete rink with boards and lights, no idea why I called it asphalt. :P It still destroys my wheels, bearings and skates though.

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