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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forget energy drinks, go Gakic!

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Energy drinks are good for a quick rush but do nothing to help you sustain energy for 3 full periods.

I've tried many supplements in an effort to find a little extra something when playing and I have found it in Gakic. It's a product you take 45 min before you play - you don't get twitchy or anything like that. It basically makes your last shift of the 3rd period feel like your first shift in the 1st!

Do a search on the web for some more detailed info. If your into taking some supplements before playing, you gotta check out this product!!!

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Mods; if you find this guys web address as from Muscletech, ban him. Muscletech signs on to internet message boards to promote their products posing as nonbias people touting a great product.

Personally, haven't tried it, but it's supposed to increase limit strength, with mixed reviews that Ive read and heard from people.

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Two reasons why i don't trust this guy. One he didn't post in the energy drink topic. And the post seems very generic. LIke he just copy/paste something

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Ha... like I'd ever use a product that came from a muscletech factory!

A beta alanine product combined with smart hydration during play will ensure that you don't pay up the wazoo for a muscletech product that doesn't work.

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I've tried Gakic for like 3 datys. The powder form is the worst tasting thing I have ever had in my life. It was painful. And the pills are like horsepills that you have take like 8 at a time or something. No thanks.

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