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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Comming back to hockey

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Ok im going to be playing hockey again after taking a year off. I will be comming to a team where I know all the players on the team and dont like 4 or 5 of them and I dont know how I will be accepted on the team. I will also be starting about a month late because of playing highschool soccer. Are there any tips you guys can give me so I dont start out with problems with my teamates? Maybe im worring too much. Im worried too that after not skating that much this year that at the practice im gonna go to tomorrow that everyone will think I suck lol.

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Dude your worrying to much. And about hose guys you don't like just don't start anything with them. Ignore them and if they try to get on your nerves just brush them off. And about the skating who cares what they think. You'll get back to old form soon.

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You should have been practicing the last few weeks...but it is too late for that.

Just keep your mouth shut at first. Nobody likes the "new guy" to be mouthy. Especially if you are joining late. The team has already build some chemistry without you and you don't want to be the one to join and rock the boat. Especially if you think you will be playing below your potential at the beginning.

You could also talk to the guys for a minute and explain your situation. "Hey guys, I am thrilled to be playing for this team. I don't want to make any excuses, but I am not in game form like I should be. I promise you that over the next few weeks I will do everything I can and work my butt of to get to where I need to be so that I am a valuable asset to this team ASAP".

They will be more impressed with that...than you just continuing to make excuses and say things like "I used to be good" or "I am better than this"...

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haha it will be hard for me to keep my mouth shut im very loud but I guess ill have to try. I got in a fist fight with one of the kids before lol sooo thats prolly not too good but yeah I guess ill just have to try and not piss anyone off. I still play well I just have no endurance lol.

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similar situation here... been with my home country team for about 10 years, we've known each other since we were all in school, and have attended each others' weddings, kids' birthdays, overnight camping trips etc etc... we had gone thru a lot together. had to pack up and leave when I got posted overseas.

found a place to play overseas, and for the first couple of sessions, i just kept to my game, didnt mouth off and just tried to have fun. after a while, I started to establish some sort of standing. I havent been really asked to play on any team, but thats not something I really care about. I'll just play in the drop in games during the week...

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Well I had my first practice and game with my team I get along with everyone lol. Suprisingly I played very well after not playing for so long my hits just werent as hard as they were and my timing was a little off but that will come with time.

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