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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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US Open

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Ok, any guesses as to where Duval is going to finish? Make the cut, dead last, make the cut, etc...

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I'll take +14, missed cut, but not dead last. He'll outplay one of the amateurs and maybe Raymond Floyd.

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I'm good with anyone besides Tiger winning it. I'd like to see Weir another one too, but I really hope Craig Bowden does well. Hes an unknown, but he played on the Nike Tour for a few years, and at the local tournament, I carried the standard around for him two years in a row. Hell of a guy. Nice wife, too.

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On a side note, did anyone see Sorenstam's shot where she was hitting on the 17th (not sure) and it hit the rough on the 11th (not sure) than she put it on the fairway of the 11th than hit it over on to the green of te 17th for birdie. I just thought that that was cool!

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