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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shots, flex and etc...

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I have always had trouble with my wrist shot and snap shot. My wrist shots lately have been flipping instead of staying flat like a saucer....

I usually start with the puck by my back foot, the puck sitting on the heel of the blade, sweeping it forward while leaning into the stick, and by the time the puck gets to by front foot, I let the stick flex and flick my wrist and release..... is that right? Now, I am a righty, am I supposed to start with my left elbow up and in front of me, and bring the handle towards me and leveage the puck? LIke using my right/ lower hand as the pivot? i have been keeping my handle close to me......

now, let's move to my useless snapshot.... The only way I can get off a nice snap shot is with a whip flex stick, because when I use a regular flex stick, the puck doesn't really snap, or come off my stick, more like topping it..... On top of that, the whip flex stick tends to give my pains in my elbos and right wrist.....

Please, I have tried practicing and experimenting with curves, I don't think I am practicing with the right techniques...

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technique sounds about right, maybe the problem is indeed with flex.

how much do you weigh/ what flex do you use? Are your wrist shots any better with the whip flex you use for snaps?

As far as placement of the hands, I'll start with my top hand about 6-8 inches from my torso and pull it in while pushing the lower hand at the same time. The lower hand moves more than the upper hand, however.

One of the most important things with shooting the puck, or even making crisp, hard passes, is transferring your body weight through the stick. when shooting, you want to transfer the weight from the back foot to the front foot (towards your target) in order to really get a lot on your shot.

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assuming you're closing your wrists, it sounds like the timing might be off. Make sure you're closing the face of the blade at the right time to get that puck to soar through the air nice and flat.

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On your shot, grip a bit tighter to see if that helps.

You may also look at how much you are bending your knees. You might have too much lift if your body isn't keeping your stick straight enough.


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On your shot, grip a bit tighter to see if that helps.

I would say try the opposite about the grip. Alot of people tend to grip a stick to firmly and it does nothing but tense up all the mucles in your hands, arms and shoulders resulting in less power in your shot (it's also real common in golf).

If your shots improve with a whippier stick then I would guess that your mechanics are a bit off. It sounds like you have the basic ideas and techniques down you just have got them all timed right. Have a coach watch you to see if he can give you some help.

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The only way I can get off a nice snap shot is with a whip flex stick, because when I use a regular flex stick, the puck doesn't really snap, or come off my stick, more like topping it..... On top of that, the whip flex stick tends to give my pains in my elbos and right wrist.....

Please, I have tried practicing and experimenting with curves, I don't think I am practicing with the right techniques...

That sounds like a lie problem.

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