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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I used to use mine all the time until I read some of this stuff the last time the thread went around. I still keep it around for emergencies because the guys at the rink where I usually skate often butcher sharpenings.

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Wow post from 3 years ago!

In all honesty, I wouldn't be caught dead WITH one of these things. They ruin your edges.

I only use Miraclestones now. They work perfectly, and PROPERLY. The don't change the angle of the outside of the edges like the Sweet Stick does.

Skarbro can you give me an explanation of how to properly use the stones. I have a Canadian stone (cant remember the name of the brand now -but I assume they are all fairly similar, with a different coarse of gritting perhaps but the principle should be the same) but everytime I use it I end up f***ing-up my skates more than anything, and even though Ive asked the guy in my local pro-shop to explain me how to do it I don't seem to be able to get it right. When and HOW are you supposed to use the stone?

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I try really hard not to use these things. The only time is when I need serious help with the edges, and a regular stone isn't available/won't cut it. Especially with the info JR mentioned, now I really want to stay away from them.

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So does the Miracle stone do "the same job" as the SS but without possibly harming your blades? Or are they used for different effects?

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So does the Miracle stone do "the same job" as the SS but without possibly harming your blades? Or are they used for different effects?

As far as my understanding is on miracle stone your edges because of how extremley thin they are wil curl outward like this, )( miracle stone brings them back to this l l while sweet stick as you know does this ( ). By the way dolomaster I don't see how the fact that you use alot of steel makes a difference if it ruins your edges it still ruins your edges and the fact that you get your skates sharpened so frequently would just make it so you wouldn't need a stone as bad as some one who leaves alot of more time in between sharpenings unless I'm missing something? :huh:

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I used this a few times and if felt very weird and now i know why. I always though it wasnt really doing anything because skating afterwards just didn't feel right

Same I dont like the way it makes my edges feel. After using it for the first time I never used it again.

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So does the Miracle stone do "the same job" as the SS but without possibly harming your blades? Or are they used for different effects?

miracle stones (and other traditional side stones) serve a completely different purpose compared to a sweet stick.

miracle stone is used to: (1) deburr the skate after sharpening and (2) get rid of nicks that protrude outward. it is not used to sharpen skates.

sweet stick is used to sharpen skates that have been dulled. however, as stated, it does so by decreasing the depth of hollow and changing the 'angle' of the outer edge.

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I bought one quite some time ago, every time I used the thing my edges felt awful. I would only do two passes with it and wouldn't use a lot of pressure, the concept is definitely flawed.

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The one time I used it I lost an edge doing nearly anything other than gliding forward.

I use a Miraclestone between sharpenings and usually go 2-3 months...works fine for me.

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You'd get better results out of a 220 grit honing stone/Miraclestone than the Sweet Stick.

How about the (very expensive) edge again device?

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