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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mental or Physical

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I just came back from 3 weeks of school holidays, and as soon as I hit the rink I noticed that I could skate faster, move quicker and change directions quicker, and stop better and harder. I was lower and overall I noticed that I was more confident in skating.

During the holidays I did the following:

- Wall squated every second day

- Worked on core strength every second day

- Ran for 20 mins only once

- Took one speed skating class

- Did 1 session of agility ladder drills

Is it possible that this is the reason that I improved? or was it all mental? as in I thought that I had improved and just tried things more...



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I think it would be more likely to be a physical change in yourself with the training and rest you were able to get in your off time. But now that you have came back and seen improvement it might also affect you mentally, ie. Hey I can do these amazing things, and that will give you confidence which will probably affect how you play in future games or even practices

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Most people dont make noticable improvements in fitness in a month, especially on a weak program like that. People need perspective and space sometimes in their life, even from things they love and generally cant get enough of. You probably just needed to hang back and let yourself get hungry again. Its the reason for the offseason.

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Mental- I too notice this when in the offseason of a month or so I won't get any skating in and when I get back BAM! I feel that I get anxious to play and just have so much fun when I get back. Possibly your situation.

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