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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2-piece of a OPS Vector 6,0!

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A teamate offered me to buy his broken vector 6,0 very cheap. The blade has snapped, but the shaft is intact. So i purchased it. I'm intend to make a 2-piece out of it and use it as a spare stick.. The thing is, i dont know where to cut it.. Or, do i have to cut it? The darn thing might be a fused 2-piece?

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I believe it is a fused 2 piece. I've read that CCMs are some of the hardest to convert into shafts, but I cut a V120 for standard blades and it was no different than I've done for other sticks (bauer, mission, easton, etc.) If you want to cut for standard blades, just cut it to your desired length and put the blade in on the handle (top) side.

If you want to cut for tapered, try to find the fuse point (on lots of sticks you can see a line) and cut it there, and then either chisel out the material in the shaft, or cut off about 1/2" at a time until it's hollow. I noticed that the inner walls near the bottom of the 120 that I converted weren't very smooth, and this may give you an issue when trying to insert a blade.

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I think i'll be satisfied with a standard shaft. I don't have the time or patience to start a bigger project.. But why flipping the shaft upside down? has it something to do with the flex or?......

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if you cut it near the bottom, a standard blade won't fit, because it's tapered down that end. If you were to cut it where a standard blade would fit, you'd lose too much length.

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I've cut a v120 before. It's not hard at all.. cut it right above the fuse (you can feel it with your fingers), put an extension in the butt end to make up for the shortened length and it takes standard blades.

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