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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Massa wins Grand Prix of Brazil

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Would have been nice if you were accurate with your thread title. Massa Wins Grand Prix of Brazil.

Alonso finishes 2nd capturing driver's title and Reneault's manufacturer's title. Button rounded out the top 3. Michael overcame a cut left rear early in race to finish 4th ahead of Raikkonen.

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he was prolly the best F1 racer ever. Hes a national hero in germany, and now italy too. How close did he end up finishing in the drivers points? I haven't had the chance to follow for about a month now, but I know that it was close enough to come down to the wire, but it was unlikely he could catch up and win.

*edit* never mind, i read the link......

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DAMN IT!!!! way to freaking post the race results in the title for those of us who had to tape the race. ...freaking all day i avoided results only to come to a hockey board to get screwed

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