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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dan snyder GI blade

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i got a bunch of GI easton wooden blades from a friend of mine a couple of years back, i was just looking through them for the first time in a longtime and i found a dan snyder GI blade, it looks like its been tinkered with too, just thought that was cool

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Continuing on the Snyder thread...

I was going through my stick pile at work and I found 2 GU autographed Snyder sticks. Totally forgot that I had them.

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When yuo say pile I think of the piles of wood at the stock yard, so I pose the questoon: is pile more then a shrine? Or is shrine the creme de la creme?

Note: Shrine would refer to Ponty`s collection.

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Well if it`s a contest for most shafts of the same time you and your flywieghts could give buzz and his T-Flexes a run for their money.

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Well if it`s a contest for most shafts of the same time you and your flywieghts could give buzz and his T-Flexes a run for their money.

snowballs chance in hell... :D

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