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Do helmets improve performance?

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Hey, I am getting a new helmet for better protection. I am upgrading from a Bauer 1000 to something with EPP foam. In the bauer I don't get to hot or anything. So with getting a new helmet actually improve my performance? this is just a question.

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Im not too sure how a helmet "performs" so to speak? I mean theres definately some that look sexier than others, if that's performance to you then go for it. I suppose some may claim to protect more than others but at the end of the day all they really do is protect your head. I wouldn't put them in the same "performance realm" as say skates, gloves or sticks thats for sure. When I last bought a helmet I looked for something that was going to protect and that felt comfy. To me really that's as far as you need to go when buying a helmet.

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The only way a helemt can have ANY impact on performance is if it is really heavy or has better than average cooling properties. Obviously an absurdly heavy helmet is going to be a negative, while the better ventilated helmet should be a positive. Allowing excess body heat to escape through the helmet should help you stay a little cooler.

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the only way it will noticably help your game is if you switch cages/visor styles or colors. also,if your old helmet was uncomfterble, then your head might not of allways been in the game.

overall helmets really have no factor on how good you are at hockey.

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comfort factor is what it's all about. it needs to "feel good" on your head, because you want your protective equipment to be there when you need it - and ONLY when you need it.

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