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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sportchek z airs

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for anyone who has seen the Z-air comps that sportchek has for 200$ right now, can anyone comment on how close they are to the old z air comps, or the old z airs, the silver ones? I have the old ones, and I like them alot, the fit is good, but its time for some new boots. Thanks in advance!

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the equivalent of the Z-Airs would be something like the Synergy 1100s from last year. I moved from the Z-Air Comps to Synergy's and had no problems. I'd say the ones sportchek has are total garbage though if you own top end skates.

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the equivalent of the Z-Airs would be something like the Synergy 1100s from last year. I moved from the Z-Air Comps to Synergy's and had no problems. I'd say the ones sportchek has are total garbage though if you own top end skates.


Ok so Easton makes the skate but because Sport Chek gets them to do a special run of them there garbage? Yet they have all the specs of the as you say the 1100 or so skate?? Was that skate garbage? Think before you write better yet do research.... Here is the link take alook read the info and if still not convinced go see the skate.....its a great deal for 200.00!

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the equivalent of the Z-Airs would be something like the Synergy 1100s from last year. I moved from the Z-Air Comps to Synergy's and had no problems. I'd say the ones sportchek has are total garbage though if you own top end skates.


Ok so Easton makes the skate but because Sport Chek gets them to do a special run of them there garbage? Yet they have all the specs of the as you say the 1100 or so skate?? Was that skate garbage? Think before you write better yet do research.... Here is the link take alook read the info and if still not convinced go see the skate.....its a great deal for 200.00!

Oldtrainerguy, I would be suspicious too of these skates after the responce+ they're selling.


doesn't mean it isn't a good deal though for those skates.

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all you have to do is look at the skate and you can tell it is a higher end skate all the components are there.

As for the stick I personally didnt like the way it was done but i dont work in that division so I cant really comment on it. Should have been maybe a Response Red + or something a little diffrent in name. That being said it was never advertised a stick that was reduced in price and you took one look at it and you could tell it was not a +. But not going over all that again....the skate however is a Z-Air specail run skate for a great price...either over stock clear out or a special run just for them.

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