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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AK 27 Pro Stocks

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found a couple of pro-stock AK-27's on ebay - look like one-peice, cool


Also - ordered a Draper blade for my shaft - it says the lie is a 5 on the Warrior site - there is no WAY it is a five - more like a 5.5 - 6. It says 5.5 on MSH pattern db - but the difference between a 5 and a 5.5 can be a lot. What gives? Anyone else?

I also ordered, online, a Warrior backpack - I can't fit my equipment into it - not even close - why would Warrior sell a tiny hockey bag - or was I mistaken and it should only hold my books and lunch? Don't get one unless you are only bringing your skates...


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its looks like its spray painted at the fuse part, i doubt its a ops

could people spray paint the stick to make it look like a ops?

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1) Warrior doesnt list their lies correctly.

2) It sounds like you bought a regular school type of backpack, not a hockey bag.

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We measure lies by putting the middle of the blade flat on the ice to discount the rocker as much as possible. I can not tell you how any manufacturer or website measures their lies. I believe our method is the most accurate for comparing one brand to another.

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you are right - Warrior must not correctly list their lies, too bad I bought it based on that info - and the hockey bag - accurately speaking, without sarcasm, it was the Mac Daddy, and although I could fit in my gear, without shoulder pads or beer, it was such a tight fit that i won't be using it anymore. I don't wear shoulder pads, but beer, well...

The stick is probably a 5.5 - or more - so your pattern db is most accurate I've seen for sure.

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I also ordered, online, a Warrior backpack - I can't fit my equipment into it - not even close - why would Warrior sell a tiny hockey bag - or was I mistaken and it should only hold my books and lunch? Don't get one unless you are only bringing your skates...


Sorry, but that was pretty funny.

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I don't wear shoulder pads, but beer, well...

The stick is probably a 5.5 - or more - so your pattern db is most accurate I've seen for sure.

that's what's up?! I don't even drink... the guy who closes our rink takes an 18 pack for a tip... usually gets us an extra hour or so... we give him a 30 pack, he invites friends!!!....and that leads to a late, late night on the ice

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Yeah, well, god help me if I have to bring an alternate color jersey - the bag would split - it's that tight. And I won't be using it, too bad, it's cool looking.

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