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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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UPS Being Sued

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The first time I ordered something from the US via UPS I was shocked by the huge brokerage fee. I'm glad someone is running with the issue.

The lawsuit accuses UPS of misleading and deceptive practices by failing to get the consumer's consent, not telling the consumer about the fee and not allowing the consumer to arrange their own customs clearance.

I understand that UPS shipments do clear customs faster than USPS packages and offers tracking ect - and this is a service, but UPS should offer non-brokerage fee options that are slower or make it very clear to consumers up front that they'll be billed for brokerage services if they purchase anything from another country that is shipped via UPS. Once the delivery guy is at your door your choice is basically pay for the brokerage fee or you don't get the goods you've already paid for and have paid to have shipped to you.

The same Canada Post service for goods shipped from the United States to Canada costs $5.00.

If Canada Post and USPS can take packages over the border for $5 then UPS should be able to offer something similar at a similar cost. You can get a $38 brokerage fee charged on a $38 item - instantly doubling the price of your purchase.

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Perfect timing.

I just ordered a bunch of work supplies last week from U.S.A. -- an order for 300$ from UPS and an order of 1100$ from USPS. The order from UPS after all the brokerage - handling - signing fees and taxes cost me 95$. The 1100$ order after all those same things cost me only 105$.

What a rip off UPS.

Will never use them again.

Article makes me happy.

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I hope this class action suit goes through, I always thought these brokerage fees you guys pay is ludaCHRIS

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I'm really surprised that it has taken this long for a lawsuit to happen. UPS charges an arbritary rate that depends on how their feeling. I talked to a UPS service rep that other day, and they said that their is no way to estimate brokerage fees. Even if the item is declared at $20 or less(which according to the UPS website is not subject to brokerage fees) UPS can still charge just about anything they want.

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