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Easton Modano Curve?

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I've called several hockey shops with this question and they all tell me that the current Forsberg curve is the same as the old Modano's. I have an Easton Synthesis Modano blade and it is noticeably different from my Easton Stealth Forsberg. The Modano curve is nearly flat (or straight), while the Forsberg has a mid-curve.

Here is where it gets a little difficult, I've given up using composite blades and have reverted back to wood. I'm more of a set-up man, so I rather have feel. Also I use an intermediate shaft.

The blade doesn't have to be for my Synthesis shaft. I'd be willing to purchase a new shaft if there was a blade that fit my specifications. Any help would be appreciated.

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The Forsberg Curve is the exact same, the only thing different is the name on the stick/blade.

Try the pattern DB at the top of the page, that should give you a good clue of similar patterns.

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The Forsberg Curve is the exact same, the only thing different is the name on the stick/blade.

Try the pattern DB at the top of the page, that should give you a good clue of similar patterns.

Not to be contentious, but they're not the same. I have two Modano blades, one wood and the other composite, and they are very different from my Stealth Forsberg and the wood Synthesis Forsberg blade. I will try to post pictures later.

I will look up the pattern DB. Thanks for your input.

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Fedorov is somewhat close in a Warrior/Inno.

I took a look at the Fedorov/Warrior and was very close to buying it. The curve is more similar to the Forsberg than the Modano. Looking for a flatter blade.

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Sherwood already puts out blades with his name on it but they are much different than his pro curve.

Also for the record, the modano and forsberg are the exact same thing. I've been using them for years. Is the modano that you compared with your forsberg wood?

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I have a Modano Synthesis and a Forsberg Synthesis II and they are exactly the same, so I dont know whats up with your sticks/blades.

Also Names on retail sticks are never the pro patterns, Crosby has a curve with Sher-Wood and is similar to the Easton Drury if anything. His Pro Pattern is very small.

And by flat do you mean curve or blade rocker?

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Sherwood already puts out blades with his name on it but they are much different than his pro curve.

Also for the record, the modano and forsberg are the exact same thing. I've been using them for years. Is the modano that you compared with your forsberg wood?

I have:

Modano - Synthesis Wood

Modano - Z-Carbon

Forsberg - Synthesis Wood

Forsberg - Stealth Stick

None of the Modano's I have match any of the Forsberg's.

I'll take a picture later.

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I have a Modano Synthesis and a Forsberg Synthesis II and they are exactly the same, so I dont know whats up with your sticks/blades.

Also Names on retail sticks are never the pro patterns, Crosby has a curve with Sher-Wood and is similar to the Easton Drury if anything. His Pro Pattern is very small.

And by flat do you mean curve or blade rocker?


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Easton Wood and Composite blades had different curves, even if they were the same name. The Easton Modano wood is a lot different the than composite Modano, which is today's Forsberg. The curves are the same with current models, but Wood Synthesis was one of the variations.

If you are looking for the wood one, try hockeymonkey or hockeygiant curve charts (ones with pictures) to see what is closest.

If you are looking for the composite Modano, it is the Forsberg/Hossa/Fedorov.

Forsberg and Hossa are identical in almost all cases, but some have been seen to be a tiny bit more open. The Fedorov has a lower lie, but is the same curve as the other two.

EDIT: I'm picky with grammar, and I forgot to capitalize Forsberg. Sorry.

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the easton forsberg blade is a mid heel 3/8 curve.the ops tour beemer(inferno)is a very close match,also the modano curve is a close match.at least with my sticks,thats the curve i like for ice and inline.

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Going from one model blade to another will have slight variations, but the Forsberg IS the renamed Modano. Modano signed on with RBK, so Easton had to rename the pattern. Composites are made in monds, and the mold for one model blade (in the same pattern) may be slightly different from another blade model. My Forsberg Hybrid Synthesis is different (flatter) from a Z Carb Forsberg or a Synergy/Stealth Forsberg.

Easton wood blades are known to be inconsistent. I had bought 5 easton wood Modano blades at the same time, and no 2 were alike. There are even inconsistencies in the lie of wood blades.

You may want to look into a hybrid synth. blade, or an old Modano Ultralite, as these blades were closed and had barely any curve to them.

If you prefer to stick with the wood blades, buy the Forsberg Wood Synthesis, heat er up a bit and flatten it out to your liking.

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If you prefer to stick with the wood blades, buy the Forsberg Wood Synthesis, heat er up a bit and flatten it out to your liking.

I used to do this with fiberglass blades when I was young, never tried it with wood. How are the results? Still holds up fine?

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Modano clones:

Bauer's PM9

Mission Elias/Gaborik/Boyes (although, the new Elias is a higher lie)

Warrior Fedorov

TPS Tkachuk (a little bit different)

CCM Stuart/Steen (also a little bit different)

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Woodies also have much more variation in them than composites do. You can pick up two wood blades with the "same" pattern and there will be subtle (or not so subtle differences). Composites are the same each time and so comparing a wood to a composite is not comparing apples to apples.

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If you prefer to stick with the wood blades, buy the Forsberg Wood Synthesis, heat er up a bit and flatten it out to your liking.

I used to do this with fiberglass blades when I was young, never tried it with wood. How are the results? Still holds up fine?

Never had a problem with it. I've only done it with blades I use outdoor, which pretty much get obliterated anyway. Don't know how well it Holds up for Ice, but the blades usually feel just as stiff after they cool. Just don't try it with a composite blade.

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Curves on woodies vary from stick to stick, so not uncommon at all for it to be different, especially from a composite which come out more consistent.

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