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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy II: Good or Bad?

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I currently have an 06 Synergy ST and it is very close to breaking due to the increased wear on the fusion point and splitting at the end of the blade. I am thinking about getting a Synergy II because it is two piece, but still very light. Fill me in on the goods/bads of this stick.

P.S. I would be getting the 100 flex and probably a Synergy II blade with Sakic curve

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Easton touts it as "Synergy SL technology in 2 piece form" The SII blades are a touch lighter than the old synthesis ones, and I believe the shaft is as well. If the blades are indeed the same as the SL blades, They'll break pretty often, but at least you only have to shell out $50 or so to replace them, as opposed to buying a whole new stick.

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I've been using the same Synthesis shaft for over 2 years now. It's had 2 different carbon blades in about 1yr10mos, and now I'm using a wood blade.

I actually think I like the wood blade a little better. I seem to get a better feel for the puck. With my skill level I didn't think I'd actually be able to tell the difference, but since moving to a wood blade from the carbon I've discovered that I can feel the difference. I doubt the wood blade will last as long as the carbon ones, but I've got 3 of them (ebay deal) so I won't have to worry about it for at least a few months. I've also gone to a 2nd Sythesis as my backup.

I don't think I could stomach breaking (or even wearing out the blade of) a $150+ stick so that was my main reason for going to the Sythesis.

I know I haven't directly answered your question, but assuming the Synergy II is anything close the Synthesis I think you can't go wrong.

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ive been using a syn 2 for a while now. i had two and one broke relatively quick, but the second has lasted. i can definitely feel the difference in kick on my wrist/snappers...and i like it. my slap has taken awhile to come around, i maybe needed the 110 for my slappers - but i dont take them often enough to really worry about it. the blades havent broken down any earlier than anyone elses - but i agree that easton makes them more for performance than durability. they should last longer than they do. ive had a couple of blades chip on the top side of the heel pretty quick.

i definitely prefer shaft blade combos - you get the same kick and if one part breaks, you still have the other half.

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I too use the Synergy2 grip and a regular synthesis shaft. The Syn2 is lighter and smaller in diameter, not by much. I use 100 flex with an Inno Mog blade as well as some R2 wood. Nice kick on my slappers, however, like all Easton shafts it was snappier when first bought now is starting to feel a little dull.

Overall 8/10

If you are looking for a good tapered shaft consider the CCM Vector 130 or current equivalent. Can do all the Syn2 can do but is more consistent IMHO

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I've been using the same Synthesis shaft for over 2 years now.  It's had 2 different carbon blades in about 1yr10mos, and now I'm using a wood blade.

I actually think I like the wood blade a little better.  I seem to get a better feel for the puck.  With my skill level I didn't think I'd actually be able to tell the difference, but since moving to a wood blade from the carbon I've discovered that I can feel the difference.  I doubt the wood blade will last as long as the carbon ones, but I've got 3 of them (ebay deal) so I won't have to worry about it for at least a few months.  I've also gone to a 2nd Sythesis as my backup. 

I don't think I could stomach breaking (or even wearing out the blade of) a $150+ stick so that was my main reason for going to the Sythesis. 

I know I haven't directly answered your question, but assuming the Synergy II is anything close the Synthesis I think you can't go wrong.

i also switched to the synthesis this season. i use a hybrid blade.

i only paid like 55$ for each one and i like this stick more than any one peice i have ever owned. the hybrid blade really has a nice feel to it and i highly reccomend one. if you arent looking to spend as much as the synergy II costs, i would definately go with a closeout synthesis.

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i bought a synergy II 100 flx and a sakic blade for $130 and scored in a tournament game later that day. I thank all of you that posted information and being an easton diehard i feel that it is an awesome stick.

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