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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sprung quick fix

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my son broke his back rocker arm on his sprung frame during his second shift,going towards the net he put the brakes on and the rocker arm and wheel went its own way.ill tell ya keep that extra rocker arm in your bag if you have the sprungs,we kept the extra rocker arm in the puck bag along with some extra wheels and tools.we are not sure how it broke but changing the rocker was easy,a 3/8s nut driver and pliers was all i needed, about 3plus minutes he was back in the game.just thought i would post this just to give guys a heads up,keep the 3/8s nut driver and small pliers handy,extra wheels dont hurt either.

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yeah, it pays to be ready, the extra rocker,a 3/8s and 1/4inch nut driver and a pair of pliers.


what kind of pliers are needed? regular grooved needlenose pliers?


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yeah, it pays to be ready, the extra rocker,a 3/8s and 1/4inch nut driver and a pair of pliers.


what kind of pliers are needed? regular grooved needlenose pliers?


any pair of pliers that can grab a hold of the head of the pivot pin will work. I just use the plain old slip-joint pliers like these:


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if you could get the needle nose,i would want those on hand.for one reason is if you have to poke out the long threaded thin bolt that holds the rockers together,they are just a handy type of plier to have on hand.

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if you could get the needle nose,i would want those on hand.for one reason is if you have to poke out the long threaded thin bolt that holds the rockers together,they are just a handy type of plier to have on hand.

I used the pivot nut, loosened it a little and pushed it a bit the get the pin to come through myself. It sits in that hole so snug I couldn't figure any other way around that other than the nut or the side of the pliers to push it through enough to grab.

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i wouldnt go worry about it to much,your going to ruin your game.the rockers are pretty strong,my son broke his back rocker once, probably because i put too soft a wheel on there.mine hold up fine.

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