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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When will the pattern DB be updated?

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I know everyone is really busy, but does the Pattern DB get updated annually, or every six months, or what? Why aren't RBK patterns listed? Maybe we could make it a board project and everyone could give their input on improving it (ie making sure all the info is current and correct). Anyone?

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Much of it has been updated. I don't have access to RBK sticks here so I haven't listed that info. I have asked someone to get the info and it should be posted in the next week or so. Having seen many (but certainly not all) members regularly mangle curve or lie comparisons, only info from certain members would be accepted.

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To sum up what Chadd was saying, Rbk sticks suck.

Well there's that too. Most of the kids around here got their from someone at the Bears and not from any RBK dealer. I honestly think the team sells more gear around here than any pro shop.

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Brought up an old topic to make a request (forgiveness!) for a few pattnerns if there is an update: Darby, Styles, and Roenick.

Reasoning: I read a lot about these patterns, but have never seen them and have no idea what I would be getting into.

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Brought up an old topic to make a request (forgiveness!) for a few pattnerns if there is an update: Darby, Styles, and Roenick.

Reasoning: I read a lot about these patterns, but have never seen them and have no idea what I would be getting into.

They aren't retail patterns so they aren't in the DB, though there is a ton of information on those patterns if you use the search.

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