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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I Adjust ROH, Pitch, or Both?

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I searched, but couldn’t find what I’m looking for.

I’m a newbe bear leaguer (started about 7 months ago) who skates reasonably well for an old fart; BTW, I’m 5’8†180lbs (no gear).

I first skated on TUKK Custom+ with 5/8†ROH (1/2†used to cause “chatter†when I stopped).

Then I was skating on Lightspeeds with 11/16†ROH (going for the speed… stopping and turning were fine).

I recently got Mission s500 and put a 5/8†ROH on them. With the pitch set to “neutral.†I felt a little off balance forward and they felt way too sharp. I set the pitch to “-“, and went to an 11/16 ROH. My balance felt good, but they still feel a little too sharp when stopping.

The other variable, I discovered from researching on MSH, is that my Pitch runners (272mm) have a 10’ radius, where I believe my previous (stock) runners were a 9’ radius, so I don’t know how this factors in.

Anyway, I was thinking of going up to a 3/4†ROH, but someone told me that would be too much for my size/weight. They said that I might just have my weight too bar back when stopping, so they suggested I keep the 11/16†ROH and go back up to “neutral†on the pitch adjustment. I never had a problem with placing my weight too far back when stopping with Tuuks or lightspeeds, so I’m leaning toward increasing ROH.

So, to any of you experts out there, which change would you recommend; ROH or Pitch?

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I would try the 11/16" and neutral first, mostly because it's not going to cost you anything to try. I don't think it will solve your problem. Next I would try 3/4" and -1, as that may work and will only cost you the price of a sharpening. Worst case, have the steel set to a 9' radius and go back to 11/16 as that already worked for you.

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I believe the reason the Pitch's felt sharper at 11/16 is because the steel is superior and holds a fine precise edge. Shallow it out to 3/4 and see if that's good. Longer radius of the Pitch's has more blade to grab the ice, hence the "sharper feel as well, it could be that too. Adjust the hollow first (that's cheaper), if that isn't enough, then change radius.

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