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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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well considering that would cost you more and won't work as well thats your choice haha, but thats what they cost so get over it. And I am selling it for cheaper than what you can get on the internet with shipping...

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well considering that would cost you more and won't work as well thats your choice haha, but thats what they cost so get over it. And I am selling it for cheaper than what you can get on the internet with shipping...

It is well known that vitamins and minerals are asborbed much better when they are ingested as a part of whole food...many vitamins that you take will pass right through the digestive system, in tact, never even releasing their contents. Drinking milk would certainly give you better absorption, a higher dose, of the exact same nutrients...so how would it be less effective? Plus you get protein with that as well.

Milk is much cheaper than 62-80 cents per dose of that stuff...

Sportslegs contains:

65 IU Vitamin D

131mg Calcium

65mg Magnesium

2.5 cups of milk contain:

245 IU Vitamin D

600mg Calcium

67.5mg Magnesium

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lactic acid is formed when your muscles are not supplied with enough oxygen to go through oxidative phosphorylation, basically turn ADP into ATP so it can be used again. Under these oxygen restricted circumstances, your muscle cells must resort to glycolysis, converting ADP into ATP through a process that converts pyruvate (broken down form of sugar) into lactate, which can contribute to the formation of lactic acid. This process is far less efficient, though much faster, and can occur in the absence of oxygen. Since it is a lack of oxygen and a requirement for ATP that generates the lactate buildup in your muscle, it doesn't make sense to overload your body with lactate to reduce the amount of lactic acid, since the amount of lactate (or lactic acid) relates directly to the amount of energy released through glycolosis, the explaination of how Sportlegs works actually describes it significantly reducing your anaerobic capacity.

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Ripoff. You can drink 3 glasses of milk and get the same ingredients (calcium, magnesium, vitamin d3), in higher quantities, for about 40 cents.

Try to drink 3 glasses of milk before a game and tell me how you feel.

In the same respect you can eat a fat steak instead of taking creatine as well.

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You wouldn't just chug 3 glasses of milk...speaking of which, you can find a study online which will show the benefits of chocolate milk as used for postworkout recovery. It is cheap, easily obtainable, and better than taking factory-manufactured supplements.

As for creatine, you would have to eat a lot of steak to get the amount equal to a supplement...I think it's like 3 grams per pound or something (probably wrong, but its not too much), which you would have to eat every day. But it's no secret that red meat is highly anabolic.

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you would be surprised on both counts. i know people who regularly drink up to a litre of milk after working out, and i think ovechkin always has filet mignon with potatoes before a game.

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You wouldn't just chug 3 glasses of milk...speaking of which, you can find a study online which will show the benefits of chocolate milk as used for postworkout recovery. It is cheap, easily obtainable, and better than taking factory-manufactured supplements.

As for creatine, you would have to eat a lot of steak to get the amount equal to a supplement...I think it's like 3 grams per pound or something (probably wrong, but its not too much), which you would have to eat every day. But it's no secret that red meat is highly anabolic.

My point being that supplements are just that SUPPLEMENTS. Made to be more comvienient to take then eating so much meat and drinking so much milk and still being highly effective.

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Last night I drank about 24 ounces of skim milk an hour before my game.

I think I did feel better while playing, but it's hard to quantify since there are other variables at play that could have explained it.

The milk didn't upset my stomach or anything.

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