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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has anyone any experience with the

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They are on weekend special on hockeygiant, only have select sizes. But they are only $59, so thought they may make a decent 2nd paid.

I wear Bauer supreme 30 at the minute, size 10. My shoe size is 11.5.

Are they good skates, there is nothing in the review section, and the search L4 is too short, and Mission or skates brings up every thread with mission or skate in it.

So, if anyone has any info on these, I would appreciate it.


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I've got the L7s and I love them. I saw the 4's in store, and they seem to be a decent skate. good support, not too bad on stiffness. I wear an 11 shoe and i've got 10.5 L7s, but I'm probably wearing them 1/2 size too big. I've got Vapor XXs that in a size 10 that fit just a touch better.

I agree that it's worth it just for the holders.

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5s were nice, 3s were junk, never stocked the 4s.

They have the L5's for $79. Again, I will be getting these from Hockeygiant, and because I have never tried on mission, can somene help me with the sizing.

When I was fitted for my current skates, the size 10 fit perfectly, and my shoesize is 11.5.

Also, and I should have asked this at the start, are they deep fitting. I can't wear tacks because they are too shallow (which I leard after having tacks for a year but never feeling comfortable in them.

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See my post above for my experience with sizing the L series.

I have a deep foot and the L7s are working for me, but it may just be that I'm used to my skates not being deep enough for me.

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5s were nice, 3s were junk, never stocked the 4s.

They have the L5's for $79. Again, I will be getting these from Hockeygiant, and because I have never tried on mission, can somene help me with the sizing.

When I was fitted for my current skates, the size 10 fit perfectly, and my shoesize is 11.5.

Also, and I should have asked this at the start, are they deep fitting. I can't wear tacks because they are too shallow (which I leard after having tacks for a year but never feeling comfortable in them.

Fit is similar to vapors, a little wider and deeper though.

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