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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What size is your computor screen? :rolleyes:

i'm pretty sure she meant the way he was positioned because his legs look so short

he's talking about the fact that the person said theyd put is as the background on their computer screen, yet the picture is extremely small.

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What size is your computor screen? :blink:

i'm pretty sure she meant the way he was positioned because his legs look so short

he's talking about the fact that the person said theyd put is as the background on their computer screen, yet the picture is extremely small.

its called a tiled background. feature on many windows programmed cpu's

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you can actually stand that? I find that tiled backgrounds usually suck

for that, just have a flat black background and place the picture in the centre

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C'mon now, too easy:


Although, the shot of Mess jumpin in the air at the buzzer is close second, if not a tie.

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