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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For people that live in vancouver...

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Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I didn't want to start a new one.

I'm moving to Vancouver soon (early sept), and am looking for some ice hockey. I would be looking to join an adult league of some sorts. I'm not sure how am I suppose to go about doing this. I will be living by the Joyce skytrain station, so I think maybe a league at 8 rinks is an option. I'm not too sure of that area or any rinks near that location. I've searched the web for some leagues and found the ASHL, tried to register but got confused. If someone could please give me directions on how to sign up for a league that would be greatly appreciated.


Wow Joyce Skytrain. I used to live by there, beside the Collingwood Neighborhood House. 8 Rinks is about a 20minute drive away from Joyce Station. They have the ASHL there and there's some other co-ed hockey league around Vancouver. I've never watched either league play so I'm not sure about the skill level or anything about them.

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It probably isn't too hard to join an existing team in ASHL but tough to bring a whole new team in.

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