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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should i get a whippier shaft?

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I've experienced the same thing. 6' 175lbs and I've always typically used a 100 flex shaft. I came across an awesome deal on an 87 flex Vapor XXX and by far, it is the hardest shooting stick in my lineup. Slapshots seem to have so much more zip on them and wrist shots and snap shots take off greater than before. I'm still trying to dump off a few of my 100 flex sticks. The only exception is my 05' Stealth I got as a replacement for my broken si-core which although the stated 100 flex (and I'm sure this is well known on this forum) feels a lot softer, almost like 90ish. Both those two sticks I'd have to say are my hardest shooting sticks. I'd say test it out. If you love hockey that much, it's worth the try, for who knows, you may get that 94 MPH clapper over 100.

why do people think stiffer = more durable. What is easier to snap, a wet noodle or a pencil?? :rolleyes:

Great point. I always try to explain to people the properties of carbon. Thinner carbon will bend, and return to its shape. Too much bend and "snap". Thicker or denser carbon will have less of a flex point...so "snap" comes easier as force is applied to the shaft. If you don't have the upper body strength of an olympic weightlifter, velosity of a shot comes mostly from the transfer of body weight and the carbon returning back to its original shape....what we call flex or whip. Flex point is also part of the velosity.

As fatwabbit described, lowering the flex may affect the velosity of the slapshot a little, but your wrister and snapper will see more velosity.

I noticed this firdst hand as I just switched to an 85 flex (TPS response plus) from a 100 flex and my slapper has gotten worse, but my wrist shot is a rocket now. I bought a 100 flex stick (rbk 5K) for the times I play defense and need more umph on my slapper.

A teammate of mine just got a bauer stick with an 87 flex. It felt really good, maybe look into that one. I think it was a bauer Endure, or something like that.

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I'm 5'11 and weigh 160lbs (no body fat, pretty strong) and use a 95flex stick, based on your size I most say 52flex <-- Wow.

It most feel like one of those Mylec "knee-hockey" sticks.

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Try a TPS or CCM regular flex. They generally fall around the 95-90 mark and should be a bit more responsive on your follow through.

My CCM says 85 flex and its a regular but it definetaly feels stiffer.

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I have been in the same boat, and always thought an Intermediate shaft would be too weak. I have finally decided to go with the Int. shafts, now what am I going to do with the 11 other sticks I have?


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you could always just ship them to me.

your donation may not be tax deductible, but uh...

well, there's really no redeeming benefits.

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