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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pioneer Inno

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Anyone out there have the Pioneer Inno?

Pioneer Inno

I am looking for a new XM Sat radio and an MP3 player. My current sat radio is the original Delphi model so I think it is about time to upgrade! :blink:

I like this unit because it is portable, gets XM AND stores MP3's. I know the storage capacity is pretty small (1GB?) but I am not really concerned about that. This unit appeals to me because it has a home docking station and you can buy a car docking station so I could use it in the car and then bring it into work at set it up on my desk (put the external antenna in the window).

So...anyone out there use this unit before? Your thoughts?

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I have had one for years and I love it. The only thing you may want to look out for is that unless you have it in the car dock you cannot use the fm transmitter. So if you want to dock it in your home and want to listen to it in a radio in a different room, but the car dock for your home also. DO NOT BUY THE HOME DOCK, it is useless. Its a great radio, I get flawless reception in manhattan even with all the big buildings.

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Well...the Home Dock comes with it...so I guess I am stuck paying for that. How about the MP3 playback? I have heard the playback features are pretty limited. Is that an issue?

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Well...the Home Dock comes with it...so I guess I am stuck paying for that. How about the MP3 playback? I have heard the playback features are pretty limited. Is that an issue?

well yeah, thats standard, it comes in the box, but I mean do not buy an additional one. The mp3 playback is pretty lame, but it does the job. www.myradiostore.com has em for 170 (with new sub)

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I'll check it out. Thanks. I was looking at the reviews on the "gadget" websites and they seem to be mixed ratings. But it also looks like most of the low ranks were from people that didn't understand XM sat reception or those who should have just bought an ipod because they want 30GB of music in their hand.

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