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Playing Paintball at backyard

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I know it's sooo stupid topic but I NEED TO KNOW THE ANSWER!

So, My bro wanna play paintball on his birthday party. I think he's gonna call bunch of his buddies and play paintball. I have asked my friends who plays paintball about playing backyard painball. They don't know. I don't think it's illegal. any suggestions?

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I don’t know if it is legal or not but my friend was playing in the dark in his backyard and the next morning his neighbors siding was all orange and he got in some trouble with the law.

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Not only would it be unsafe to play in a residential area, it would be totally dis-respectful. Theres no possible way you could play if you had close neighbors without hitting their fences/trees/decks. Besides you would not have alot of room.

If you lived out in a country or something then it should be no problem. Dont really have to worry about legal issues as long as you dont get complaints.

And just another thing. Me and my buddies played paintball in his backyard a couple times this summer. It sucked. Unless youve got a really big backyard or forest then it will be pointless. Plus its not very expensive at all to go to a paintball course. If youve got one within driving distance I would do that. Assuming you all have your own guns and paint since you were planning on using your backyard.

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one day during a snow day, people in the feild next to my friends were playing paintball. my friends were not playing, and were just hangin out the the snow. a paintball came from the feilde over and hit my friend right in the eye. hes lucky the it pretty much fully recovered.

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one day during a snow day, people in the feild next to my friends were playing paintball. my friends were not playing, and were just hangin out the the snow. a paintball came from the feilde over and hit my friend right in the eye. hes lucky the it pretty much fully recovered.


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I play paintball all the time in my friend's backyard. Its pretty much just a small forest but it does the job. We've never had any legal problems before. Unless your in an area with houses that are right next to each other I don't see the problem with playing in a backyard.

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one day during a snow day, people in the feild next to my friends were playing paintball. my friends were not playing, and were just hangin out the the snow. a paintball came from the feilde over and hit my friend right in the eye. hes lucky the it pretty much fully recovered.


nope. we were in 7th grade when it happened too

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ask a local lawyer.

this is something that is governed by city laws, not state or federal laws.

if you're in a rural area, it's probably fine. i used to play on one of my friend's parents property. their lawyer advised them than anyone who plays signs a waiver, and we did. it was way out in the country though.

if you're in the city, you'll probably get the cops called on you, and that can lead to something bad, legal or not. (cops won't take any chances, they'll come with guns drawn)

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