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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth CNT

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Has anyone noticed more than one type of the CNT Stealth's?

Today I received my 3rd and 4th stealths. While taping my sticks up today I notice that one of the sticks is a lighter red. As well, the light red didnt have any concave! To add to my dissapointment, the grip was almost none existent compared to the others. Out of the four CNT Stealth's that I have this is the only one that is light red, has crappy grip, and has no concave.

I have two heatley 85's and two foresberg 85's. All of them grips.

Has anyone else noticed a difference in their sticks? Does anyone know why there are indifferences?

I liked the shape of my previous (darker red) stealths a lot and I was kind of disapointed in one of the ones I recieved today. Sorry for the rant, but I am curious as to why easton did this.


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My LHS recieved a red CNT with no grip whatsoever. The guy that works there showed it to me.

I'm going to guess that it has something to do with the manufacturing facility, but I couldn't say for sure.

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Almost all the new easton sticks I've seen are different:

I've seen full length ST's (no plug)

A 110 CNT Grip that was whippier then an 85

Every CNT i've seen has had a different rating on it (range from 10-11, wear 9-9.5)

SL's with the flexes with the name, up by the rating, just all over the place.

ST's with a 9.5 wear, 10 wear.

Just a lot of inconsistencies

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