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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cell phone question...

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Alright, so for Christmas the gf and I have decided to buy eachother new cell phones: she's buying me the Treo650 and she really wants the Pink Slvr...problem is its a GSM phone. Is there ANYWAY I can get her the pink slvr and get it to work on Verizon's network?? This is the only phone she really wants and likes the looks and features of yet Verizon is lightyears behind and doesn't have it for their network yet so if anyone on MSH can give me some help, it would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in advance for any help,


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no can do. Check out the Krazr tho, it's pretty sweet. There's nothing wrong with my Razr, but I'm considering the Krazr. the only reason im not getting it is that I still need to wait a year before I'm eligible for the promotional price on a new phone.

They also have new colors for the chocolate.

Although Verizon doesn't have a lot of the phones that other carriers do, their service is much more consistent and reliable than anyone else. The chocolate is a verizon exclusive, as are the Q, the V, the ENVEE, and I believe the Krazr.

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The chocolate is a verizon exclusive, as are the Q, the V, the ENVEE, and I believe the Krazr.

Sprint and Altell both offer the Q and the KRAZR.

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Off topic of the Slvr..for those that have or have had the Treo650, what are your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions on possible software for it to make it better?

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What's better? Depends on your life.

Having the Palm synched with the ONE calendar in your life is absolutely necessary IMO and having word on it is a nice feature... has come in handy several times.

If you are a student there is a VERY cool app called student 4.0 which tracks projects by course and due dates and grades... plus "what if" scenarios so you know how much you need to pass the final by. Can't imagine being a student without it, makes life MUCH easier.

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Thanks HM; Yeah I'm still in HS but this being my senior year, college is approaching very soon and I still have a few schools that I want to apply to so scheduling and dates and grades are all very important right now. At first I didn't think the features and services it has would be necessary for me but now that I realize and think about it, they are going to get put to the test day in and day out.

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The student 4.0 is the reason I went Palm for my daughter back in grade 8. I can't imagine being a college student without using this.

Here's the link for that app... it is fabulous - my agenda challenged kid manages to stay on top of everything with this app. Well, to be accurate, she now knows exactly what it is she is not doing...lol


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I can't imagine being a college student without using this.

Imagine being a fashion major. Im sure this will cahnge your point of view

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I can't imagine being a college student without using this.

Imagine being a fashion major. Im sure this will cahnge your point of view

LOL, not at all Vapor, but may I recommend one of the Palm spell-checkers or dictionaries?


Seriously, I imagine a fashion major might need one of these more so than their more consistently left brained MBA colleagues. Because you need to use both your right and left brain for the business and creative side... and probably have a greater number of visual vs verbal learners.

Project Management is probably one of the biggest challenges students face and no one does an adequate job of teaching time/project management.

LOL... whew, drug out my soap-box on this one, didn't I? LOL

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Another cool app for the student that works on Palm is Inspirations.... Although I think it is better used on the computer than the small Palm screen.

Although it is billed as a high school tool... I have college students who are highly visual who use it to organize their reports and papers. What is cool about it - for the visual learner - is you organize your thoughts visually and with the click of a button it is transformed into text-only and becomes the road-map for your paper.

I highly recommend it for visual learners or anyone who has difficulty organizing reports, essays and papers.


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