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Rick-O-Shay "shooter tutor"

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that looks really cool for when no goalies are present, but why do you a get a goal for shooting directly into the glove?

Maybe Roman Turek helped design it? ;)

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that looks really cool for when no goalies are present, but why do you a get a goal for shooting directly into the glove?

The site shows that it has netting inside the glove hole to "allow real glove saves for more exciting action"

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I have it. I won it at a tournament. Its really realistic for rebounds and stuff, but it makes a LOT of noise when you hit it. Very Durable as well. i would reccomend it.

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Yah I would get one for my rink but for $300....$200 product+$85 shipping thats alot of dough

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they dont seem very durrable, that would be my only concern. and whats the price like

Dude, I just said that it WAS durable, I HAVE IT. Its made with very thick plastic and isnt really affected by the heat or anything. I use it outside, and it still looks new

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It's not bad, but the cost over a normal shooter tutor to me isn't really worth it. It costs nearly $300 by the time it's shipped. It does kick out rebounds, but the material is just thick plastic. While it works well for kids, we tried using it with a bunch of college and junior guys for morning skates. Mr. O Shay didn't make it very long.

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I have it and I use it on my backyard rink and its very durable, no dents in the plastic or anything its really nice but a little pricey.

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I personally like how he's missing half of his left goal pad... maybe next time they could move the hole in the glove to the large open area above the shoulder...

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A rink I sometimes play open roller at just uses the same plastic that the boards are covered in, cut to size with the corners cut out and hooks that hang off the crossbar as a shooter tutor. It's pretty good for rebounds and seems durable enough.

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We would be using it only for roller hockey. From reading the above posts, it sounds like it might be a good option.

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If you are ever looking for a nice shooter tutor go with this one:

Sure Shot

This one is money...its light enough to travel with but you can wind up on it too. We've had some heavy shooters fire on it and it doesn't break. It puts out rebounds and everything, easily the best one I've seen.

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If you are ever looking for a nice shooter tutor go with this one:

Sure Shot

This one is money...its light enough to travel with but you can wind up on it too. We've had some heavy shooters fire on it and it doesn't break. It puts out rebounds and everything, easily the best one I've seen.

Although this one gives up rebounds aswell, it looks like o-shay would give out more realistic rebounds due to the 3d shape

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If you are ever looking for a nice shooter tutor go with this one:

Sure Shot

This one is money...its light enough to travel with but you can wind up on it too. We've had some heavy shooters fire on it and it doesn't break. It puts out rebounds and everything, easily the best one I've seen.

Although this one gives up rebounds aswell, it looks like o-shay would give out more realistic rebounds due to the 3d shape

The way pucks were flying back off of the Sure Shot...I'd be afraid of catching one in the teeth on the bounce. A few of those shots looked they came off the net as fast as they went into the net.

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seems cool. but to me, just too much money. someone i play with made one out of plywood, it's held up through probably 100 hours of use against by now. sure, it does get sawdust type stuff falling off. but it still works.

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