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Replacing old shin pads

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Hey everybody,

Just looking for some insight on replacing my extremely light, yet extremely old-school shin pads.

They're a pair of TruLine 5508's, from Eaton's - the Gordie Howe model. Somehow I don't think they make them anymore. What I love about these shin pads are that they're insanely light. We're talking 13.5 oz/380g light.

I don't expect them to last forever (although they're probably older than I am) and as a MSH'er, I'm always looking to upgrade.

Pic - front

Pic - back

I wear fairly shin sleeves and they're pretty tight, so I tried my buddy's Bauer 8000's and they don't fit. (well, they do fit, but to the point where I have to remove the shin pad liner and it still cuts off circulation) Not to mention the 8000's weigh in around 22 oz, so they're too bulky.

Seeing as I have no calf protection and have survived this long without it (only taken a puck off the calf once, knock on wood) it's optional, but lightweight and low profile is a must.

Anybody have any suggestions?

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Those look pretty similar to the ones I was using before I bought my Jofa 7500s (which I love, btw; they're very light, although they're much more protective than my old ones).

Those were roller hockey pads IIRC; I've no idea of the make or model, but you might check those out. Roller hockey pads often sacrifice protectiveness for weight etc, IME.

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Anybody have any suggestions?

Jofa 6070, 8070, 9070

It's basically the same pad. The only differences between them are the name and graphics..

Very light and comfortable shin pad. The shin cap and liner are the same as on the big and bulky 6090, 8090, 9090 series. But the rest of the pad is totally different. No hyperX extension or calf protector. The liner is removable if the pad still feels bulky.

Pictures of my 6070's

Front 6070

Side 6070

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Those look like they'll do the job. Question is - how do I get them? Did a quick search and they seem to be Europe only. Is there a comparable RBK model? The XX70 series doesn't seem to be on any of the conversion charts I've found here.

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Well until then

And they look relativly good shape so i don't think that they will break down anytime soon

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Yeah, they're in really good shape right now, but you never know when somebody's monster slapshot might put a crack in them.

All my other gear isn't too unique so it'll be very easy to replace if and when they break. (Intakes are easy to find, probably replace my gloves with Supreme 70's, etc...) However, the shin pads are the exception. Those Jofa XX70's look pretty good but sourcing them on this side of the Atlantic might prove difficult.

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Yeah, they're in really good shape right now, but you never know when somebody's monster slapshot might put a crack in them.

All my other gear isn't too unique so it'll be very easy to replace if and when they break. (Intakes are easy to find, probably replace my gloves with Supreme 70's, etc...) However, the shin pads are the exception. Those Jofa XX70's look pretty good but sourcing them on this side of the Atlantic might prove difficult.

you might find on ebay. Last time i checked, there was atleast 2 different sellers in NA.. Why not ask JR, he should know where to find, He seems like a Bloodhound when it gets to "hard to find stuff" :D ..

I bought my at SportEwa.se/Outlet/spelare. The site is in Swedish, but there is a "In English" button on the top of the page. I know that they ship all over Europe, but im pretty sure that they ship worldwide too.. Send them an email:INFO@SPORTEWA.SE

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