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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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good online figure skating shop

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US or Canadian Mew? I'm trying to remember, and I think you're American.

Bad day for brain cells...lol...I am trying to remember a Canadian site someone recommended, but it was mostly figure skating so I haven't retained it.

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Sure mew it's ok we all know your getting outta hockey and into figure skating

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Figure skates are even more of a pain in the butt to size than hockey skates. Make sure you go to your shop to get fitted... urrr... get her fitted.

P.S. They aren't cheap..

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Most quasi-serious figure skaters wouldn't buy things online, they're worse than hockey players when it comes to being picky.

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Most quasi-serious figure skaters wouldn't buy things online, they're worse than hockey players when it comes to being picky.

nothing more scary than a pissed off figure skater and her mom

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Most quasi-serious figure skaters wouldn't buy things online, they're worse than hockey players when it comes to being picky.

nothing more scary than a pissed off figure skater and her mom

No joke..

I'm making a thread about it :)

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