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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Silver Sticks

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Just seeing who's in them this year. I'm in the Midget Minor AA one here in Colorado. Our tourney just started so we're still in regionals though...

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hey, congrats man, that's sweet. did NCYH play in the tourney? if they did, how did they do? have fun in Ontario. even though i'm playing rec, i get to go to Washington D.C. with the minor A team for a tournament in january, so that'll be fun.

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Im playing in the Midget Major AA out of Dayton Ohio. It just started tonight. Not in our favor of course.

I was in that tournament also, I play for the Chesterfield Falcons, you?

We were +10 for the weekend, with 1 goal against, but unfortunatly lost our second game 1-0 to a team that we should have smoked. No excuses here though.

What team do you play for?

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