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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bob Gainey's daughter is missing

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wow i just heard about it this morning.

here is the article in my local newspaper


and to answer your question jitt99 they were sailing on the picton castle.

heres a pic of the ship


im sorry to say since she was not found yesterday she is probably dead i live close to a beach in lawrencetown N.S which is across the harbour from Halifax and the water is very cold and it only gets colder as you go out to sea. hopefully i am wrong and she is found alive

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I just read an article stating that the water isn't at its coldest yet, and a fit human such as Gainey can sustain life for about 36 hours. She is currently on her 33rd or so hour. Wishful thinking. Terrible accident.

Who is Morrow married to? It wasn't Gainey's daughter? Maybe Carbonneau?

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I remember she was involved drugs a while back and she seemed to have turned her life around. Very sad news indeed, it's all over the place.

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I just read an article stating that the water isn't at its coldest yet, and a fit human such as Gainey can sustain life for about 36 hours. She is currently on her 33rd or so hour. Wishful thinking. Terrible accident.

Who is Morrow married to? It wasn't Gainey's daughter? Maybe Carbonneau?

Morrow is married to Carbo's daughter.

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i just remembered that gaineys wife died in 1995 from brain cancer and now this. gainey must be having a real tough time right now. Laura gainey is probably dead unless she managed to get hold of something like a piece of wood or something they tossed over board the ship if she didnt she probably would have drowned within the first few hours of swimming even though she is a good swimmer. secondly if she had managed to grab hold of something the next thing that would have happend is dehydration depending on the weather. if it was sunny an warm she probably would have become dehydrated and would start to Hallucinate which would probably end up with her drowning. or it could be raining an she could drink that water but the chances of her living are slim unless they find her soon

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Yes she had a drug problem at the tender age of 14 but shes been clean for 10 years

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