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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tuuk holders

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I just purchased some graf's after using vapor XXX's and i had no problem switching over blades. They basicly felt the same but after trying a really hard turn, i fell so i tried it again and same thing i fell. So the only problem i had with switching was you have to get used with your edge balance- meaning the amount of weight you put on ur edges because they are very easy to fall if u put to much on it. But maybe that was the same way with every skate but that was just the only problem i had with switching from bauers to grafs

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quick question, does tuuk LS2 have a forward lean or Neutral?

already checked the search

Tuuk Custom Plus Reverse Lean

LSII Has a Neutral Lean

I would have to disagree. Custom's are neutral and LSII has a forward pitch.

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How much of a height difference is there between LSII and C+?

The back of LS2 is 4mm higher then C+.


So to get a forward lean on a C+, you'd probably need a 5mm heel lift or more?

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quick question, does tuuk LS2 have a forward lean or Neutral?

already checked the search

Tuuk Custom Plus Reverse Lean

LSII Has a Neutral Lean

I would have to disagree. Custom's are neutral and LSII has a forward pitch.

Better check your steel measurments then...

LSII 16/32nds front and rear some times up to 19/32nds front and rear just depends

Custom plus every pair is 16/32nds rear 17/32nds front

How can that be argued?

OTG, do you guys have radius templates like the Maximum-Edge at your location?

All the stores have either Blademaster or Blackstone templates.

You mean the Mark 3/5 system or the Blackstone Shaper system, which one do you personally use or prefer?

I have to say I can profile on any of them and the newer Blade I liked till trying the Blackstone and the older Blade and find the is less movement in those bars and profile holders giving a more consistant profile.

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quick question, does tuuk LS2 have a forward lean or Neutral?

already checked the search

Tuuk Custom Plus Reverse Lean

LSII Has a Neutral Lean

I would have to disagree. Custom's are neutral and LSII has a forward pitch.

Better check your steel measurments then...

LSII 16/32nds front and rear some times up to 19/32nds front and rear just depends

Custom plus every pair is 16/32nds rear 17/32nds front

How can that be argued?

I guess I'm going by the "standard" of Customs and Custom Plus which I've been skating on for 25 years. To me C+ feels like a normal lean and the LSII's were supposed to be built higher in back so you are on your toes more. I'm not talking about the steel I'm talking holder height. That's just how they feel.

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Well iw ill triple check the exact hieghts tomorrow or just e-mai the R&D guys to get the specs from them....but in the steel is neautral and the hold is higher in the heel then you are correct and i am wrong but on the C+ if the holder is neutral and the steel is reverse then the whole combo is still reverse?

Or am I totally lost now...and only been doing it 20 plus years???

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Sven, I'm using 8090 with C+ and so far my comfort level is at 90% which for me is the highest ever, considering how many skates, holders, lifts and profiles I’ve changed. So if you have the cash definitely try it, then you can sleep at night, you can always go back to LS2.

Thats right. Thanks, man!

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The pitch is something which makes me worry.

Can someone explain it for me? Im new to holder-related things like pitch and so on.

At the moment i got a stock 8090 with LS holders (as i said before, i dont know what kind of pitch/lean that is) and if i put Custom+ holders under my skates, which pitch will i have then? What will change and what is different? Is it going to be a massive change or just a slight difference?


-Rubo: I took the next step and got me Custom+'s, if all my worries are eliminated, i can see me getting them under my feet.

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Is the pitch of E-pro the same as LS2?


the e-pro os negative and te LS2 is neutral

OTG are you sure about the e-pro being negative? I am currently skating in it and it feels neutral.

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Is the pitch of E-pro the same as LS2?


the e-pro os negative and te LS2 is neutral

OTG are you sure about the e-pro being negative? I am currently skating in it and it feels neutral.

Yes I am. and I am skating on 9K's myself. The steel comes at roughly 21/32nds in the front and 20/32nds in the back. With the pro performance blade it has on it it is pretty hard to tell. If you make it 20 20 you feel like your leaning all on your toes. I just got off the ice after fixing them like 20 mins ago. Last week i played in them the first time and I could tell in my back soon as I got off the ice.

Now witht he sole of the boot and height of the holder it might throw the hole thing forward a little also making it feel more neutral.

Dont forget though the old CCM's used to feel like the grafs do now pretty far forward.

CCM says the whole idea is to make all there skates feel like a tuuk so that people will not bother switching to tuuks on there skates.

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Thanks I appreciated this link: http://www.mts.net/~ghymers/cus-rad.html

Now to transfer all of this into reality, is there someone here can explain or direct to an online link as to how to translate all of this into real life situations. I mean lie, pitch, radius, heights of skate holders, heel lifts etc and how to determins which skaters would benefuit from which adjustments. We need to more specific guuidelines how how to what adjustments will relate to which skaters and their different types of skating. Height, weight, position played, deep knee benders, stand up style etc.? Is there a formula for us to follow in tinkering with all of this to improve our players/cutomers performance

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