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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM/RBK E-Blade Pro holders...

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now that I have a 2nd pair, I was going to swap the steel from my old skates, which were receiently radiused and put them on my new ones...

I just wanted to check, is popping the steel in and out of the E-Blade as simple as loosing the screws, etc? Or is there a catch to it.. anything more I will need to do?

I searched, but didn't find anything. Thanks All.

edited... yep, I typed "pooping the steel" instead of "popping"

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yes it's easy as that. Remove screws/bolts and blade pulls right out. Trick to reinstall, put the front hardware in first, then the rear.

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yes it's easy as that. Remove screws/bolts and blade pulls right out. Trick to reinstall, put the front hardware in first, then the rear.

thank you sir.. I just wanted a little insight before I pulled them apart and there was some ridiculous process to it..

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