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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Swiss or MOC?

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What do you guys think? How do they compare? I had swiss and really liked them, but the Moc abec 9 sound very good from what people say. Can I get some opinions?

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I'll never buy anything but Bones Swiss for the rest of my playing days, hell I may even use the same set I have now. I play on a dirty(little dirt, little leaves)outdoor rink with full boards and nets. I clean my bearings after every game and there isn't speck of rust and all of the bearings spin perfect. Im thinking about getting a set of the Bones Swiss Ceramics so I won't need to buy anymore again.

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I've skated bsb swiss, bones swiss, bones ceramic.. and in that orderd. I should have my moc 9's later in the week. As someone who will have skated various brands, I'll give a comparison after my next game or two. I can tell you now that there wasn't a big enough difference, if any, to justify the price of the ceramics verus regular swiss. Also, I prefered the bones to the bsb... mainly for the dust shields.

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I got some MOC 9's and they are not doing so hot. They took a game or two to "break in" if you will, and they were awesome for a month or two, but lately they do not spin so much. It's odd because I don't feel like I'm skating any slower, they just don't spin in place when I'm just messing with my wheels. I cleaned them a month or two ago, and the process was relatively simple. If you get the Sonic bearing washer thing, it should be a breeze. The caps are rubber, so they pop off with a needle.

I've never tried swiss, but I think it may be time to.

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